Monday, February 22, 2010

Desk Restoration Project (Part II)

(Continued from Part I)

W.C. Fields once said "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no sense being a damn fool about it." Wise words, to be sure, and very appropriate to the Desk Restoration project.

As you can see from the photo and like I mentioned in my last Project post, the desk staining did not go well at all. After all the time I spent sanding the damaged areas it was pretty heartbreaking to end up with a blotchy mess.

Fast-forwarding a bit through the giving-up process I finally settled on painting the damn thing. Now instead of an "elegant-but-well-used" piece of furniture, I am going to end up with something extremely country-fied. So be it.

I was going to crackle-coat the desk but just decided to straight-up paint it instead. I want this thing out of my garage now - I am tired of looking at it. Do I sound angry? I feel like I sound angry...

I chose two Valspar semi-gloss paints one antique white and one sort of antique teal. The bulk of the desk will be white and the trim and desk drawer will be teal, you see.

I was gonna go with a royal blue for the trimwork and a brighter white for the bulk, but when I put the color cards side by side it didn't look right. It sort of gave off an over-the-top "Ahoy, matey! Welcome to our Bed and Breakfast, where every square inch of usable surface area has a model lighthouse on it!" vibe to it. I think toning down the contrast will make it a little more pleasing to the eye.

I am about 80% done with this... So far so good. I should be done with this project this week which should make Mrs. Snowurchin very happy.

We will see.

(To be continued... )

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