Friday, August 6, 2010

The Omnicron Imperative (Part VII)

(Looking for the other parts?  Check the sidebar.)

Omnicron.  The name, taken from the Greek words for "all" and "time", implies their mission statement - to rule forever.

In 1939, Adolf Hitler himself commissioned the secret Omnicron Project, which researched the possibilities of group mind control.  Rumor has it that their logo was partially inspired by the movie The Wizard of Oz.  After seeing the 'poppy field' scene of the film, Hitler became intrigued with the possibility of using clouds of narcotics to subdue the the otherwise resistive masses of his soon-to-be conquered territories.

Although the Omnicron Project enjoyed some minor successes the flow of the war could not be stopped. Armed with several railroad cars packed with Nazi gold and the best bio-scientists Germany and its allies had to offer, the project moved underground.  It expanded quickly during its first few years primarily by coercion and kidnapping key talent when needed. This extremely well-funded organization grew from a small handful of zealots to an influential shadowy hand capable of nudging governments around like a grandmaster moving so many chess pieces. 

For nearly four decades after World War II, there was virtually no troublespot on the globe where Omnicron's fingerprints wouldn't be found.  Although group mind control remained their ultimate objective they branched out, somewhat successfully, into other nefarious regimes.  Eventually, Omnicron agents could be found in the inner circles of the highest commercial and government offices everywhere.

In 1983, a suspicious string of nuclear reactor failures in New Jersey, Russia, Argentina, and Germany alerted U.S. Intelligence to the existence of Omnicron's worldwide counterfeit fissile materials ring. Team Alpha Ninja Omega Niner was called in to hunt those responsible for selling bogus fuel rods and shut them down once and for all. 

Thirty-six hours later, all that was left of Omnicron were hundreds of blood-splattered chalk outlines peppered around the globe and a hundred-meter wide crater in the floor of the Kalahari Desert.

Or so everyone thought.  The still image on the screen would seem to indicate that they were back, somehow.

"Each of you has a mission dossier with your name on it under your seat.  Please take a moment to retrieve it," said the General from the stage as he shut off the overhead projector and closed the flag curtain. The team members began to rummage under the theater-style seating for their packages.  "You will notice that some of you have gold envelopes and some of you have red envelopes."

The ANON team glanced around.  Very few gold islands stood out sharply in a sea of red. 

"Those of you with gold envelopes are the primary response team now known as Team Constant Lightning.  Those who have red envelopes will be known as Team Eternal Thunder and will provide support to the gold team.  You may break the seals on your dossiers now and follow the instructions you see there.  Good luck and God bless America.

As was custom with every mission meeting, it was ended with the playing of the Star Spangled Banner on a continuous loop.  Each Alpha Ninja Omega Niner team member filed past the General and the fifty-foot flag, snapped off a salute to both, and left for the destinations described in their mission assignments.

Many would be returning to this room wiser and more battle-hardened then ever.  A few would never come back.  They would prove to be the greatest heroes of them all.

(To be continued.  Check the sidebar for updates.)

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