Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Some Random Things

Cleaning up the site a little.  Finally moved the Chessboard Puzzle to the Secret Puzzle Page.  Including the Puzzle for Charity, there are now six unsolved puzzles here and a seventh is on the way when the 1970's TV project is completed.  I am toying with the idea of putting up some hints.   I really have no way of impartially gauging the difficulty of the Secret Puzzle Page puzzles, but I can say they are all much easier than the Puzzle for Charity. Let me know what you think.

Speaking of the TV Project, the main woodworking has been completed.  The "cabinet" is make of scrap oak plyboard and the "legs" are made from oak buttons left over from bookcases Agmorion and I made.  I may be able to do the wiring tomorrow, and the mounting of the pieces on Thursday.  We will see.  Hurricane comin', you know...

I am enjoying the Kindle and downloaded a huge number (like, eight) of novels like The Iliad and War and Peace and some other fancy stuff I tell myself I will probably read someday. 

I did read Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex, though.  Other than "tedious" the only other word I have for it is "pointless", but you would have to read it to see why (don't do it).  Also read an Argyle Sweater book.  Some gems, not that great.  Do not get books like this for the Kindle - the resolution and contrast of the e-ink makes it difficult to enjoy the small details that sometimes make the joke.

Currently reading Think of a Number by David Baldacci.  I am three-quarters through and I am really happy I downloaded this one.  Fantastic.  Can't say too much, cuz I am reading it to Mrs. Snowurchin.  (Just something we do.  Shut up.) and we are only on chapter 7...

More later.

1 comment:

Jim said...

You are on your own with the puzzles brother... they aren't my thing.