Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Yeah, It's Been A While (Conclusion)

My kid had four Easter egg hunts this year and ya know what I learned? I learned that having a kid with above average hunting and gathering skills is sort of like being on the fun end of a chocolate-based Ponzi scheme. You bring twelve eggs in, you come home with thirty. You go to a party, you come home with a couple dozen more. You go to a church function, and you are basically limited by the tensile strength of a wicker basket.  All I can say is that someone is really getting the short end of the stick...

Speaking of candy, the boy's first dentist's appointment happened. I took off from work for that and took a bunch of pics. He did ok. He did worse than his first haircut, but significantly better than his second haircut. It reminded me a little of the pic on the left. I don't care if you don't get it. It's not all about you, you know...

Did you know that humans have developed the technology to create a $2 kite that will remain stuck fast in a tree for more than 65 days? Awesome. Here is a pic of the Spider-Man kite that my sister-in-law expertly piloted into what is, apparently, its final resting place. It only took her two minutes. Nicely done, sis. :) (Please don't sue me or have me killed)

The boy's 1,000 day birthday passed uneventfully.

We went to the National Zoo in D.C.  They have better animals than the local zoo(they have a cow!) but not as many as the San Diego zoo, which I think had a yeti and a targ. Both the local zoo and the San Diego zoo have more giraffes.. I mean the demise of your last giraffe is sad and all but I am pretty sure even I could have acquired a new or used one on eBay or sumthin' by now. Well, maybe that's not such a good idea. The giraffes you are liable to get from eBay are most likely stolen, broken, or a cheap Chinese kirf. Upsides: it's free, has pandas, souvenirs are really inexpensive, and the people that work there are knowledgeable and friendly. So if you can get there and going to a zoo is your or your kid's idea of a good time I recommend it.

Caught up on all South Parks. Been watching Robot Chicken whenever new ones pop up on the wife's iPad. Also Harvey Birdman. Call me “Mister Culture”...

Been working on the Kahn's Cons puzzle like crazy. This might be sour grapes talking here, but I am beginning to suspect that the answer is mathematically intractable. That is, given the information I have right now it looks like there is a non-unique set of solutions to that one. My gut says, if the plaintext is encoded how I think it is, way more cryptotext is needed to nail down a solution. I have stopped trying for now and have switched over to the 4th section of the CIA's Kryptos puzzle, which, ironically, might be a lot easier. ELYOIE? Maybe. (Again, it's not all about you...)

And now I think I have caught up to real time. I should really be more diligent about posting.

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