Monday, November 7, 2011

A Few Milestones

I quit smoking one year ago today.  Go, me.  I occasionally still have cravings but so far so good.

Had first ever parent-teacher conference this morning.  We are told they are using less than a liter of Holy Water per day during their "The power of Christ compels you" one-on-one time and they haven't had to resort to employing "The Device" in a few weeks, so good news all around.

I kid.  He is doing just fine.

In addition to mowing the lawn for what is likely to be the last time this season, I finished sealing the deck this weekend (last weekend was called on account of rain).  Man, I am glad that is over.  It looks great.

Finally passed "In Bloom" in Rocksmith.  I am not sure if I actually deserved to go on to the next level or if I am on the receiving end of a pity-filled, government mandated "No Rocker Left Behind" program.  I must have rehearsed that song seventy or eighty times before I passed.  Well, give me an "E" for effort cuz God knows it sure as hell doesn't stand for a proper E chord most of the time.  But I passed...

You know who loses here, though?  The poor virtual people that paid to hear me play at my gig.  They enjoyed the first song of my set a lot but not my horrible rendition of In Bloom when it came time to play it.  Away went the cheering and the cell phone cameras and out came the dead-eyed uncomfortable silence.  They weren't hostile, but I definitely got the feeling that if someone suddenly shouted "Get him!" they would have rushed the stage...

They did not ask me to do an encore.  I have to be honest with you... that hurt my feelings just a little bit.  I can almost picture the club owner avoiding my eyes and softly saying “Go. Just... just go...”

More later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh. That's why my dreams last week all had nirvana songs in the background