Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sacrilegious, You Say? Try Sacri-Awesome!

One of the things I was going to build in my workshop this fall was an Advent calendar. I remember them being neat. Thing is, I think that project is going to be on hold until next year at least. Why? While we were in DC the wife and I were able to get away to do some early Christmas shopping and what to my wondering eyes should appear but the item on the left.

Yep, we picked one up.

Is there anything that says Joy to the World more than a Yoda minifig dressed up like Santa? If there is, keep it to yourself because, frankly, I just don't think I could handle it. On the other hand, if you find absolutely nothing positive to say about this ridiculous amalgam of Star Wars, Legos, commercial Christmas, and traditional Christmas ask Santa to get you an autopsy this year cuz you, my friend, are officially dead inside.

I am soooo looking forward to December 1st.


Anonymous said...

I'm excited! I'll have two boys rushing home each day. I know this will be more successful than my advent calendar last year. By dec 7th, even the then 2.5 year year old said no thank you to the "chocolate" each day

Anonymous said...

Update... This advent calendar was awesome. We made opening the box daily contingent upon either listening to or talking about the meaning of Christmas (ie. we first told him story, then asked questions thereafter) or singing a carol. On Christmas eve, the extended family was blown away with the little ones telling of the Christmas story. Truly awesome.