Sunday, October 28, 2012

Nothing to See Here. Move Along.

This is a scan of one of the pages of a flyer that came with one of my kid’s Lego sets.  As I look upon this scene one question comes to mind: “What the heck kind of community is this modeled after, anyway?”

What am I talking about?  Well, let’s look at all of the obvious criminal activity (simultaneously!) going on in broad daylight within one block of a police station:
  • One guy overturning a trashcan on the street
  • Two guys breaking into an ATM
  • One guy breaking out of prison (or trying to break someone else out with a crowbar)
  • One guy who has just stolen something (maybe gold) fleeing an officer by driving on the wrong side of the road (either that or he has decided to park his car on the wrong side of the road next to a fire hydrant in front of a police station)
  • One guy mugging a lady
  • One guy on a moped who has just stolen something (probably money) fleeing an officer 
  • One arrest in progress on the street
  • One guy stripping a sportscar in the distance (I don’t think he is just changing a flat based on the way he is dressed)
  • Two (or three, its hard to tell if the guy holding the money is a gang member or a cop) guys being arrested on a distant rooftop as two more guys zipline down to their comrades.

Smiling cops (one of which appears to be dressed in riot gear and waving a gold brick) block the roads and K-9 units and multiple command centers have been dispatched.  Meanwhile, an officer with a bullhorn shouts something to the chaos surrounding him -  perhaps he’s asking if anyone remembered to bring their firearm in to work today...

I wonder what life is like two whole blocks away from the police station.  Frankly, based on what I am seeing here, I half-expect Snake Blitzkin to be living there.  I have no idea what is going on in this neighborhood of Lego City but it seems that an airstrike is long overdue.

If this is what life is like around the Police Station, I can only imagine how bad things are around the Firehouse...

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