Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sho Then I Shez to the Guy, I Shez...

It's been a while so let's throw some stuff up on The Fridge. As usual, the notes are based on what he tells me the stuff in his drawings "are".

This is one of my favorites, mainly due to the detail, but also because it's the four-year-old's first attempt to write out the word "astronaut" by sounding it out himself.  

“Where did the "H" come from,” you ask?  Not really sure, but his occasional unconscious insistence that this is an acceptable way to write the letter "S" seems to have been "learned" at a much earlier age.  For example, here is a snippet of a drawing he did about 10 months ago, where you may recall he said the first word here was the word "best":

So, if that (admittedly thin) theory is correct, "AHRNit" becomes "ASRNIT", which is how you or I would pronounce the word anyway if we were completely hammered.  

Hmmm... come to think of it, he did smell like bourbon and he was significantly more potty mouthed than usual when he couldn’t find his “[expletive deleted] orange crayon... no, not that one you [expletive deleted], the good one for [expletive deleted] sakes” when he drew this...

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