Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Bravo, iRobot. Bravo.

Recently the Roobma 530 started thumping and throwing Error 2: Clean Roomba’s Brushes over and over.  I won’t bother describing the troubleshooting and repair of that one since the Internet is full of the right answer.  What I will share is the pic on the left showing the ridiculous amount stuff was jammed into the Roomba’s gear train and, through some miracle of artifice-ing, the damn thing still kind of functioned instead of dying on the spot!

I cleaned it as per the Internet’s instructions and everything is back to normal.  Nicely done, iRobot.  May you continue to use your engineering cunning for good instead of evil.  That is, if that aligns with your future plans.  Whatever you want, really, glorious masters.  Please spare my family.

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