Secret Puzzle Hints Page

The hints below are all encoded using ROT-13 to avoid spoiling the fun for those of you who are not ready for a hint on a certain puzzle yet. (ALERT: The first three hints for the corkboard puzzle are in plaintext to keep consistent with how they were first presented)

All you need to do is shift each letter in the hint 13 places to the right or left to decode it. That seems like a lot of work, though, so feel free to copy and paste the hint text here for a fast and easy translation. :)

I will write a post to let everyone know when I put up a new hint. You can find all of the puzzles using the Secret Puzzle Page link in the sidebar. Good luck!

Pallet Table Puzzle
Hint 1 (Posted 11/06/10): Gur Kf qvivqr gur jbeqf va gur cynvagrkg.
Hint 2 (Posted 12/16/10): Gur jbeq "gernfher" vf va gur fbyhgvba.
Hint 3 [Posted 02/05/13]: Ybbx sbe pbzzba qrabzvangbef.

Desk Puzzle
Hint 1 (Posted 11/06/10): Rnpu ahzore ercerfragf n jbeq.
Hint 2 (Posted 09/08/11): Fcnprf frcnengr gur ahzoref, abg pbzznf. Sbe rknzcyr, gur svefg guerr ahzoref ner 96, 120, naq 69,181,920.
Hint 3 [Posted 02/05/13]: Gur svefg jbeq unf gjb yrggref.

New Desk Puzzle
Hint 1 (Posted 11/06/10): Guvf vf n genafyngvba chmmyr – abg n fhofgvghgvba bar.
Hint 2 (Posted 11/17/10): Gur fbyhgvba unf gur jbeq "qrfx" va vg.
Hint 3 (Posted 11/13/11): Gur svefg yrggre vf "J".
Hint 4 (Posted 10/02/12): Nyvpr qvqa'g xabj gur nafjre, rvgure.
Hint 5 [Posted 02/05/13]: Lbhe genafyngvbaf jvyy or enaqbz, cevznevyl.

Art Table Puzzle
Hint 1 (Posted 11/06/10): Gur Kf qvivqr gur jbeqf va gur cynvagrkg.
Hint #2 (Posted 030811): Nyy lbhe onfr ner orybat gb hf, fher, ohg jung onfr?
Hint 3 [Posted 02/05/13]: Whfg mreb’f, bar’f, naq gjb’f... Vg'f onfvp. 

Chessboard Puzzle
Hint 1 (Posted 11/06/10): N pvepyr, ru?
Hint 2 (Posted 01/07/11): Gur svefg yrggre vf 'G'.
Hint 3[Posted 02/05/13]: Guvf fubhyq or rnfl nf pnxr.
Hint 4 (Posted 02/06/15): Rnfl nf cvr, V zrna.

1970s TV Project Puzzle (Solved 03/11/11 by Agmorion)
Hint 1 (Posted 11/06/10): 1961 vf gur lrne guvf dhbgr jnf znqr.
Hint 2 (Posted 02/08/11): Qba'g jbeel. Vg'f zbabnycunorgvp.

Anagram Puzzle
Hint 1 (Posted 11/06/10): Vg'f abg n jbeq nyybjrq ol gur ehyrf bs Fpenooyr.
Hint 2 (Posted 11/20/10):  Nabgure guerr-yrggre jbeq sbe "qbt" vf...?
Hint 3[Posted 02/05/13]: Nabgure guerr-yrggre jbeq sbe nethzrag vf...?

Corkboard Puzzle
Hint #1 (Posted 2146 021210): The tacks are there for a reason.
Hint #2 (Posted 2136 062410): The words and designs on the corks don't mean anything
Hint #3 (Posted 2130 081610): The first letter is “W”.

[As explained at the top of this page, the following hints are ROT-13 encrypted to avoid spoilers.  Just copy and paste the gibberish here to decrypt.] Hint #4 (Posted 2031 090313): Gurer ner 21 yrggref va gur fbyhgvba
Hint #5 (Posted 1900 121315): Lbh cebonoyl pneel gur xrl gb fbyivat guvf jurerire lbh tb.