Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Kind of Change I Can Believe In

A few years back I purged my library and donated everything I saw no future use for to CHKD.  I am glad I did it, the wife is glad I did it, and the load-bearing members of my home positively rejoiced that they needn't be troubled anymore by a literal ton (jeez…) of literary garbage pressing down on them.

I am even happier, though, that I had the foresight to keep my Calvin and Hobbes collection.  Over the past couple of months our five-year-old has been going through them and really enjoys the cartoons (well, the ones he can puzzle out, anyway), and he is over the moon that he and Calvin are nearly the same age.  He reads the books in the truck on the way in to school and he is finishing up the fourth one in the series now, I think.

One thing he loves is the Transmogrifier (oh, go to hell, spell-check… it’s a word) whether it was the cardboard box version or the portable gun version.  It was only a matter of time before he made his own.  His is cat sized, of course.

If you are stumped about the tag on the middle left hand side of the box, don’t feel bad - I had to phone a friend for that one, too.  I’m like “Why would he want to turn the cat into a Led Zeppelin album or that one gibberish-y mid-80s Phil Collins song I now have stuck in my head”?  I really don’t care if that last sentence means absolutely nothing to you.  It’s not all about you, you know.  The sentence stays.

Some people…

In any case, it’s supposed to say “zombie”.  The huge black dot at the end is his way of covering up a mistake with a period.

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