Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Google-Fu Has Failed Me

My brother sent me a text today asking if I could find contact information for a new Yahoo data center that was commissioned in Lockport NY last month and I said “npiaitcsiwlwighok” - no problem, I am in the car so I will look when I get home, ok?

I looked for about five minutes online (aka forever) with no luck. Agmorion and jimmydunes looked briefly, too, but all that seems to be out there are news articles saying that it will be or already is built, they are hiring between 45 and 125 locals with an average salary of $60k, and the place is allegedly green because it uses hydroelectricity for power.

I am sure I am just missing it, but can you find the mailing address, phone number, or any other way of proving it exists in the real world without needing to get there via Platform 9 ¾?


Jim said...

All positions must have been filled. No listing at yahoo.careers.com. It is a data center not a tourist attraction so I imagine it will be about as hard to find as the other businesses located in the industrial park in Lockport. Any information that will be given will most likely be at the Yahoo site only.

Agmorion the black said...

So how do you get "green" points for parking your business on a hydro-electrical sub-grid that's been in operation for over 60 years (with little to no discernable maintenance over that time)? When the powerstation slides into the Niagara river, do you get "negative-green" points for poluting the waterway?