Sunday, December 26, 2010

Biggish Snow

Interesting weather for this area... 

Starting last night a little over a foot of snow has blanketed the area, making the outside world look newly minted and magical and making the local weather people don sackcloth which they then rend in despair.  Their histrionic wailing and gnashing of teeth tends to wake my toddler, so I have just been watching the news on mute while he is napping.

It's hard to take them seriously when they spend twenty minutes polling the locals on the "secret" to making a good snowman and then follow up on snow survival tips that seems overly focused on determining which of your family members would "cook up real nice-like" if worse came to worst. 

Seriously, though, it's pretty bad out there.  VDOT has done a pretty good job cleaning the main roads, which is great if you actually live near a main road or are merely a fan of the plowing arts.  That piece of information, though,  is basically just trivia to about 90% of the people that live here - interesting but useless.

The wife and I are sitting by the fire looking at the live feeds from the various traffic cams out there (Thanks, Big Brother!).  We are playing a game we like to call "Oh, woodja look at THAT *&%#@#!" as some slackjawed local fishtails down the highway clearly with visions of Jimmie Johnson dancing in his head.  The traffic camera feeds are, of course, silent, but I think a Spike Jones or Dukes of Hazzard soundtrack would fit nicely for these trailblazers.

Whoops... the boy just woke up, so I gotta go.  There is a 99.9% chance of no work tomorrow, so I expect it will be all about snowmen and cocoa and family and other picture postcard jazz.  Sweet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that i was getting to check out the latest news and try to find a good book on my new iPad! Thank you snow urchin for this awesome gift!