Thursday, December 29, 2011

Fool's Errand Du Jour

While the boy was down for his nap, the wife and I chatted over tea and coffee and sorted thousands of Lego pieces by color.  Well, technically "translucent", "wheel", and "minifig" are not colors, but you get my drift.

We are well aware that this will be the only time ever they will be sorted at all (unless "the pieces are all within plus or minus one degree of latitude and longitude" counts as "sorted") so you might be asking yourself "Why bother?"

I guess my response to that is a mumbled and embarrassed "I dunno... Neat picture, though."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, this was really relaxing and fun. With a three-year-old, I rarely get the opportunity to organize anything. It was awesome to see what was there. Thank you, snowurchin, for spearheading this - I had fun.