Wednesday, May 23, 2012

More Fridge Stuff

So, what’s all this, then?  More stuff for The Fridge? 
Sigh... Fine.  Let’s do this.
January 17, 2012
According to him, this is a note to a parent from one of his teachers describing some minor, unspecified bad behavior that one of his female school chums allegedly committed.  He says it starts off "Dear Raven's Mommy and Daddy.  Raven was a twinkling star today..." but the narrative starts off a little muddled and is super-hard to follow after that - the "crime" changing and growing less and less lucid with each retelling.
We are not sure why he was trying to frame the little girl but some clues make it apparent that this is an obvious forgery.  See, when his teacher does send home notes to parents they are usually a) written on a smaller plain white piece of paper b) written in  a single color of pencil or pen and c) not encoded in a script comprised of a combination of English, Greek, Linear B, Gregg Shorthand, Elvish, and possibly Klingon symbols.
April 11, 2012
It's now a few months later and, although his handwriting is still atrocious, it is still better than yours or mine when we pretend to "sign our name" in the little box on the scanner at the grocery store.
Here he used the craft box at school to attempt to write out a sentence about a pig.  According to his teachers, they didn't help him at all. Frankly, I'm not sure they needed to say that... The gap-toothed yokels that ran his previous daycare, however, wish they could wordsmith at this level.  Hell, those jokers would probably have tried to claim this work as their own...
Hey,I know it's not perfect. The sentence structure is non-traditional and the letter order is a little avant-garde but you gotta admit it is a good attempt for a three-year-old.  I am a little stumped, though, about the last bit.
I mean, sure,  it might be worth 158 points on a Triple Word Score, but I am afraid I am totally gonna have to "challenge", here.  I am definitely not going to try to pronounce it because I'm pretty certain there is a chance that doing so might call forth a demon or send me back to the fifth dimension or something. 
Regardless, it’s pretty obvious he totally phoned it in.  Well, I suppose a few days in "the Box" will teach him to focus a little better.
I will let you know how it turns out.

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