Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

It's that time of year again!  Pumpkins have been carved and the boy is bouncing around the living room waiting for some buddies to get here so they can go out trick-or-treating.

This year he was going to be The Flash but changed his mind after one of the kids he is going out begging with tonight said he was going to be a Jedi.  My kid "had no choice" but to go as a Sith Lord, "of course".

So it goes...

Last year we tempted fate by wearing all black as we walked about our poorly lit neighborhood - he in his ninja outfit and me in my Grim Reaper garb.  Instead of playing another impromptu game of Invisible Pedestrian I opted for a Mad Scientist outfit - welding goggles, wild white wig, white lab coat, couple of glowsticks in the pockets.  He has a red lightsaber, and one of the kids will have a green one, I guess.  Dragging along the plastic wagon covered in battery-powered blinking orange skulls should guarantee that we can be seen by any traffic... probably even air traffic.

The craft this year was making some zombie heads out of some repurposed pretzel and animal cracker jugs.  They were painted with leftover house paint and given torn-up grey rags for hair.  Nearly bounce-less tennis ball halves make the eyes.  That's them there in the pic.

Oh, hey, FWIW, cutting apart a tennis ball is easy if you use a bandsaw.  Ten times easier, though,  is accidentally cutting your thumbs off with a bandsaw while trying to cut a tennis ball in half.  My fingers were violently yanked to within a skin-cell's width of the blade because I am an idiot like that. After my heart rate returned to normal I grabbed a c-clamp and used it to carefully guide the balls through the danger zone.

Well, gotta wrap this up.  Have a fun and safe time tonight and may your pumpkin patch be judged the most sincere.

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