Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sigh. Going on a Trip.

Going on the very first long-duration vacation with the wife and the little man. We leave tomorrow.
You know, before I was married it used to take me 12 hours to drive 600 miles (those of you crazy-astronaut-slash-Cannonball-Run types who say "*snif* I can do it in eight" just be quiet...).
After I got married, the same journey all of a sudden takes 20-hours because of bathroom breaks that require actual bathrooms (instead of the usual patch of bushes) and requests like "Oooh, can we stop at Cutesy McTimewasters Fake Antique Emporium and Bore-o-Rama, please?"
Now, with an infant I find out the trip is going to take the better part of two days! If that's just the way of the world, it is no longer a mystery to me why it took the Israelites forty damn years to get out of the desert. The potty breaks alone must have taken at least half that time.
The only way around this, I figure, is time travel. If anyone has a Delorean with optional flux capacitor I can borrow for a week, please let me know before tomorrow. Thanks.
(Ahhh... now the license plate makes sense...)


Anonymous said...

Don't they have the Internet where you are? Make with the new post already!

SnowUrchin said...

Hey, I'm tryin' over here! Had problems with room's network connection last night but now I got a whole mess o' Internet. Posting soon.