Sunday, March 28, 2010

Honey... Come Look at This...

Being the parents of a 20-month-old we have long since stopped being surprised at finding stuff strewn all over the house. Some of the discoveries are bizarre (finding a matching pair of our shoes neatly sitting in the middle of the hallway) or gross (smelling something kind of like pie then seeing half an apple slice gently warming on top of the Xbox).

Sometimes he abandons his toys in a position where they are striking enough for me to grab the camera. Here are some examples:

I found this tableau artfully arranged on the bottom step of the stairs in the living room  I call it "More Soggy Saltine, Goofy? No Thanks... I'm Stuffed."

I couldn't resist taking the time to cut out a thought balloon and taping it to his play barn for the wife to see the next time she changed him:

Needless to say, I found it hysterical.  My wife... eh, not so much.

Here's another one:

I can't really come up with a caption for this one. The only thing that springs to mind is "Worst Selling Playset Ever: Eviscerate Me Elmo".  If anyone out there can come up with a better caption (or backstory) for the above image, leave a comment.


Jim said...

The T-Rex bit is awesome...

Anonymous said...

The dinosaur thing still makes me cry :) The wife...