Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Garden Project (Part IV)

As promised, here is a pic of the new garden area as it stands right now... sort of.

This pic was taken while I was in the process of dry-stacking the capstones to determine what sort of cuts will need to be made to navigate the curves. As you can see, the garden is starting to look like the preliminary sketch from way back.

The leveling job took forever. The land is sloped oddly and I had to do this part myself. Like I mentioned in my last project post I needed to build the first wall three times. The first redo was because I was unhappy with my choice of dealing with the sloping land. The second redo was due to trusting a faulty line level more than my own eyes. The third attempt went fine.

BTW, if you have the means, download the Johnson Visual Level ap. It rocks.

The next step is to cut and mortar the capstones into place, then it will be time to dye the concrete blocks a slightly darker shade of grey.

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