Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Happy Happy Joy Joy

I was fortunate to experience two moments of absolutely pure joy recently.

Here they are:

1) While mortaring the garden walls into place in the 90 degree heat, my wife and son came out to see how I was doing. The 22 month old says "Whatchu doin' Daddy?  Diggin' in the garden?"  I tell him yes and he asks "Why?" I tell him so we can grow lots of food and flowers. He says "Ok, daddy, ok. What's that?" while pointing at the hose. I say "It's a hose.  You want to see how it works?"  "Yesh!" Came the reply.

I stopped what I was doing and picked up the hose and misted the air for a bit.  His eyes lit up in the awesome way they do when something new clicks in his head and he said "Again!" so, of course, I misted him a little.

He went into fits of giggles and ran around so I spent the next 10 minutes chasing him through the backyard spraying him with the hose. He was soaked to the bone and he loved it. I showed him how to use the nozzle and he got a kick out of watering the grass, the garden, all my tools, a formerly dry bag of mortar mix, and me.

Totally worth it.

2) The wife and I started moving some of his toys from his bedroom to the playroom/family room. I put together a simple loop train track from his Trax set on the coffee table.  I didn't think too much of it since I mainly did it just to pass the time while he was busy coloring.

Later, he dragged down "coco-bear" (a stuffed Coca-Cola polar bear he got from his uncle) and "brown bear" (a traditional Teddy bear) from their shelf and sat them on the floor next to the table. He told them "See, coco-bear? See brown bear? My daddy buil' those train tracks".

Excuse me. I've got something in my eye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy does he love daddy.