Friday, March 11, 2011

Best Loophole Ever

A friend of mine had his favorite wineglass destroyed under what can only be described as suspicious circumstances.  He has somewhere between three and twenty-seven kids so it's probably not so much of a mystery what happened.

He ordered another - I'm not sure from where - but he thought it was awesome enough to buy one for me and another wine drinker.

The XL Wine Glass proudly claims on the box "Holds a whole bottle of wine!" It works exactly as advertised. 

I look forward to belligerent, slurred arguments with my physician that go something like "You Shmartypants quacks shaid to drink one glash of wine a day... No, buddy, YOU have cirrhosis of the liver!!!  Hawhawhaw... you 'membr that epishode uh Bugsh Bunny with the Shir Osis of the Liver?  That wash awesome! Dude... ya need to looshen up, yer too uptight.  May I pleash throw up in your medical waste bin?"

I also look forward to taking this puppy out for a test drunk as soon as possible.  Thanks, dude!

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