Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Is There an Exobiologist in the House?

I find all sorts of odd critters in the driveway as I leave for work in the morning - I guess they spend the night beating their brains out on the halogen light above the garage and eventually drop to the ground.  This is one of the strangest-looking insects I have run into in a while.  Can you identify it?  I live in Southern Virginia, not in Mid-Cretaceous South America or in the Delta Quadrant if that helps.


Agmorion the black said...

I swear this thing comes from The Matrix. I think if you pick it up, it will morph into some kind of metalic bug that will crawl into your belly button (as if that's its only program).

SnowUrchin said...

All I can tell you is that it was gone when I came home that day. Did a bird come and eat it? Did it finish its mission and dutifully self-destruct? Who knows? Both are equally likely.