Monday, May 16, 2011

Yeah, It's Been A While (Weather)

So this is it.  I'm reduced to talking about the weather again.  Could be worse, I guess.

During my two months off from writing the weather has been pretty nice.  Usually by now things are humid and hot and miserable and basically whiny-making in between unbelievably violent, hyper-local thunderstorms, but we have actually had the heat on at night lately.

A recent mild sprinkle produced this rainbow.  You can't tell in the pic, but it's a double, and everyone knows that double rainbows are made from unicorn giggles.

All nice things last forever, right? Right?!

Last month, we practiced "cowering in fear" and "not soiling ourselves" as a black oddly-shaped cloud we could see out the front window - part of that devastating April storm cluster - failed to turn into a funnel near the house and decided to touch down in town instead.  Minimal damage - a few small trees were snapped in half and some stuff was blown around.

The morning I wrote this we woke up to the smell of smoke and assumed the neighbors were burning weeds or branches or leaves or whatever.  No.  I could still smell the smoke all the way to work and saw this on my desktop:

Well, that's a new one.  The smoke is from a wildfire in North Carolina.

What's next?  The sky falling?  Oh, wait, we had that, too.  Just a couple of days ago house windows along the East Coast were shaken by what some people thought was a seismic event but actually turned out to be a sonic boom or explosion from an inbound meteor.

Any more of this and I am going to seriously consider returning my Baal and Friends Shrinky-Dink False Idol Maker to Amazon.  It's super fun to mix and match your objects of worship but I think we have garnered "Someone's" attention...

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