Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Usual Excuses Apply

So much to do...  

I like keeping busy, but sometimes things get totally nuts and nothing ends up getting done because so many things are getting done. December is usually one of those times for me, but a number of extra bonus features lately have really challenged my ability to juggle all the balls I want to keep in the air. I suppose I could just stop juggling... 

Meh.  Not my style.  Whining about how busy I am…yeah, that’s more my style.

But in lieu of my usual wall of text I'm just going to give you some pics with a few bullet points so I can get back to making Christmas gifts for the family. 

Our five-year-old can now ride a bike... Kinda-sorta. He can pedal without training wheels for about a minute, up from 20 seconds last weekend (Our outings are limited to weekends due to work, school, and available sunlight).  Parents out there with kids learning to ride a bike often ask the Internet the question "how old to take off training wheels". If you are one of these folks, do yourself a favor and stop looking. Why? The fact you care about the answer shows you care about the answer, and that's awesome. All you are gonna find out there are hundreds of sites declaring in no uncertain terms that you are doing it all wrong. Just chill. It'll come.  He/she will get it. Just grab some Motrin and/or a beer for your lower back and work some more tomorrow. You and your kid are doing just fine. 

Freedom, Part II
Almost exactly one year ago, after working like crazy getting through the book "Snow Day! A Winter Tale" all by himself (uh... mostly), the boy exuberantly declared "I CAN READ!!!" His proclamation was several hundred days early.  Two weekends ago, though, he actually got through his first whole book (Fishy Tales) completely unassisted, and has read a few more all by his onesies since then.  On the down side, we can no longer spell things with impunity in front of him, and I can't have mommy bring him to work anymore since he will cheerfully read aloud the more colorful bumper stickers in the parking lot...

Do you remember the 1954 Warner Brothers cartoon "The Oily American"? Not ringing a bell? Picture a snooty butler saying "Your cannonball, sir." or "Your arrow, sir." and it should come to you. My sister texted me because neither she nor her husband could come up with the name of the Native American kid in it. Moe Hican, by the way.

Christmas Decorations
My wife and I swap off giving each other Christmas decorations on a yearly basis. It was my turn this year so the boy and I turned some scrap wood, some paint, some hot-glue, and some stuff thieved from a  potpourri dish into this year's ornament.  There it is there.

Another tradition (Two years in a row now!  Hey, all traditions have to start somewhere...) we have is to decorate the entryway table with Legos.  The Winter Village kit was assembled by the boy last year,  and the Pet Shop kit joined it this year. The other little things you see came from last year's Lego Advent calendar. 

Yet another tradition (unfortunately more than two years old) is wondering how the I hell can be so damn sore from just decorating a Christmas tree and putting up a few lights.  When I complain about the aches and pains I am told the obvious: "You are using muscles you never use". Reallyoksurethanks.  I agree but, statistically, how is that even possible?  I do aerobic stuff for about an hour every other morning before work and hit the gym after work about four times a week.  I guess I am just missing the "Crepe Myrtle Decoration Simulator" machine where you get practice repeatedly lifting a 16-foot pole over your head for the better part of two hours... 

What else... Oh, yes. The pic in the upper left of this post is a sneak peak of a project I am working on for the media room. With any luck I will be done this weekend and I can show you more. 

Hey... That turned out to be a wall of text after all. Not a Great Wall, or even a "Good Try Insert Smiley Face Here Wall" but certainly a fair effort. Well, back to playing Christmas Elf and knocking together some last-minute gifts in the garage... A role I fill well, assuming Christmas Elves are slightly more inebriated and significantly more potty-mouthed than they are portrayed on TV...

More later. 

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