Saturday, June 5, 2010

Everybody Wants to Rule the Parking Structure

Occasionally I will look either on Google News or at the Union Sun & Journal website to find out what's going on in Lockport, NY. 

The US&J police blotter is a ripping good read and is an excellent source of info if you are interested in which of your former high school friends got busted for DUIs this week or whose $12 lawn chairs got vandalized "between the hours of 3AM and 7AM Saturday morning".

The blotter is also very therapeutic. If you are having a crummy day, go ahead and read through about a week's worth of the police reports. I dare you not to be smiling before you are done.

Go ahead. I'll wait.

Hey, we all can't be astronauts or marathon pancake flippers, you know...

Anyway, I just found out that Tears for Fears will be rockin' the Main Street parking garage area August 13th.  Sweet.  It got me to thinking, though...I wonder what is worse bad luck: a former 1980s megaband having a Friday the 13th concert date at that venue or smashing an endless string of mirrors with a t-shirt cannon modified to launch black cats and Greg Brady's Hawaiian wooden tiki things...

Well, at least the band can enjoy some Mighty Taco while someone carves anarchy symbols into the side of their limo with a house key.

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