Monday, November 22, 2010

Good Thing He's a Cartoon...

Feeling guilty about eating that entire can of Pringles last night?  Well, Homer Simpson has made a lot of questionable dietary decisions over the years, too. Here's what some of his meals and snacks would look like in Nutritional Information form (all food info from WolframAlpha):

Episode 85: Rosebud

[Homer sits down in the middle of the night to eat cheese]
Homer: Mmmm. Sixty-four slices of American Cheese...
[begins eating]
Homer: ...sixty-four... sixty-three...
[morning comes, Homer is still eating]
Homer: Two... one...
[Marge walks in]
Marge: Have you been up all night eating cheese?
Homer: I think I'm blind.

Episode 184: Bart Star

Dr. Hibbert: Well, your cholesterol level is lethally high, Homer, but I'm more concerned about your gravy level.
Homer Simpson: Now, wait a second. You doctors have been telling us to drink eight glasses of gravy a day!
Dr. Hibbert: [laughs] Well, you're a little confused.
Homer Simpson: Oh, confused, would we?

Episode 220: Maximum Homerdrive

(While trying to finish a 16-pound steak as part of an eating contest)
Homer: Lungs filling... sinuses packed with meat...
Bart: C'mon, dad. Just 1.2 more pounds.
(Homer groans.)

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