Thursday, November 18, 2010

I Have Lost My Mojo


My Mojo Jojo keychain fob is missing. The thing was 11 or 12 years old, the paint was all chipped and peeled from his turban, and one of the corners of the cape was broken, but it was mine and made the wife and my sets of keys easily distinguishable. Well, really, the fact that my wife has more keys on her keyring than an octogenarian janitor makes the keychains distinguishable, but that's not important right now. I think it might have been a gift from Agmorion and Siun-Kelan, but I may be misremembering some pencils FedEx'd to my place of employment way back when...

No biggie, but it looks like I have a potential project to do. Maybe I will make one out of some leftover tile from the kitchen project, but I may just end up buying one.

A friend of mine suggested some really inappropriate stuff from ThinkGeek. That Robot Chicken one calls to me a little and the wine opener calls to me a lot, but I want one that I can explain to my kid in 10,000 words or less without a lot of “Ummm...” and shuffling my feet when he says “What's that?” and “Why?”

Suggestions welcome.

1 comment:

Siun-Kelan said...

I cannot believe Mojo Jojo hung on for this long!!! If I am not mistaken, that was a prize from the Kraken's "halfway party" about nine years ago!!
Hope a suitable replacement is found soon!