Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pride in Wurkmanship

Hey, I make more than my share of typos - as a matter of fact I doubt any of my articles are defect-free. My excuse is that I tend to quickly jam these things out on my cell phone without really reviewing them closely. I rarely carefully lay them out in stencil form before I publish them.

I know it's petty and pedantic, but I hit the annoying red light where this sign is located several times a week, it has been there for about two months, and it has finally gotten on my nerves (it doesn't take much to set me off in the morning on the way to work). Besides, I'm not the one trying to sell a service where someone would hope the craftsman doing the work was the type that pays attention to details...

Here is one where "detail oriented" might be something you don't care about in a tradesperson. I see this one on my way home from work, and I am fairly sure this is some sort of hair or knick-knack place but, from the sign, it might be for cyborgs or automatons only.
Now, this might just be an alternative spelling I am not aware of, but I looked for an eternity online (about 10 minutes) and couldn't find evidence that this was correct, but plenty of evidence that this spelling is used all over the place.  If you can confirm the BOTIQUE spelling is correct, leave a comment.

1 comment:

Jim said...

These signs sum up what the film "Waiting fo Superman" will show... Americans cannot spell, but they will be the first to say that they spell the best. The people that made these signs have no doubt in their minds that they are spelled perfectly.