Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What a Drag It Is Getting Old (Tee-Hee)

I was making my son’s lunch the other day after I made mine and all of a sudden I had to sit and laugh at the absolute comical absurdity of “it all”.  I giggled about this on and off all day so I figured I would set this up tonight and share it with you all (I am still smiling a little about it, as a matter of fact).
His lunch and two school-time snacks are on the right.  In the center is a PB&J on wheat.  Clockwise from the 12 o’clock position are two juice boxes, green beans, pineapple, Cheez-Its, and a banana.  Not shown are his breakfast (typically one or more of the following: pancakes, eggs, sausage, dry cereal, fruit) or his morning or afternoon milk.
My “food” supply until dinner is shown on the left.  In the center is a literally-randomly-chosen Lean Cuisine. Clockwise from the 12 o’clock position are a protein bar, a Monster zero-calorie energy drink, a diet Pepsi, a generic knockoff 5-hour energy drink, an orange, two Advil, two fish oil pills, a Centrum Silver multi-vitamin, and a coffee.
The shocking contrast between someone who is accustomed to constantly traveling at Warp 5 (meal on the right) and someone whose ship is having trouble maintaining even minimal life support and is listing slightly to one side (meal on the left) that is showcased here is what got me to laughing.
I mean, what a difference a few decades makes, you know? Why don’t I just shove a damn defibrillator in my lunch bag while I’m at it?  

On a completely unrelated note,  does anyone know if there is a DIY site that shows how to to build that contraption the Skeksis used to extract Gelfling essence in The Dark Crystal?  A guy I know was interested...


Siun-Kelan said...

So, knocking on the door of 41 has really got you bugged, huh???

SnowUrchin said...

@Siun-Kelan: Nope. Full life, minimal regrets. Besides, beats alternative.