Saturday, January 10, 2015

Bass-ically Basic

The term "god-like" is thrown around too much these days.  It has been cheapened to the point where I have been robbed of the only adjective that I can think of that fully describes my ability to vastly overrate my bass playing prowess.

About the pic.  Heh heh.  Insert nonchalant world-weary faux stretch here.  You are seeing that right.  I picked up the bass and ripped out all 328 notes (or so) to "You Really Got Me" on my very first try.  "Flawless Performance", the Rocksmith Guy said.


Oh, sure, the song is short and super simple, and I know for sure I hit at least a dozen sour, buzzy notes in there but, hey, maybe the original 1964 recording included a lot of "whoops dammit ah there we are" retries which is why I wasn't dinged for them - I unconsciously kept true to the artist's intent.  That's totally probably it!

Yep, you could throw around all sorts of fancy terms to explain away this glorious achievement like "harmonic aliasing" and "spectral bleeding" and "you are just a lucky, lucky [bleep] that's all there is to it".  I'll just chalk your attitude up to jealousy and your bitterness at being born with functioning ears.

Shenanigans aside, I remember having a conversation with someone a while back before bass arrangements were a thing in Rocksmith.  I wondered if different filtering/A-D hardware would be required since the acoustic range would need to be expanded on the low end.  Did they already engineer that in from the beginning, or did they need to make some sort of timing, phase, or other concession to make the scoring work out?  Both?  Neither?

I wonder that now more than ever because it seems like many of the bass arrangements are super-forgiving.  Well, the ones that don't have your fingers crammed together on the, like, 37th fret trying to plink out notes that would cause a fruit bat to tell you to "knock it off", anyway.  "Pick a different instrument," I yell at the TV.  Hell, even a triangle would make more sense.

One last thing: I didn't get a chance to play in the pit band before Christmas.  Maybe cuz they sensed my awesomeness and didn't want to be shown up.   Again, that's totally probably it.

Hey, it just gives me more time to practice... Wait... What am I saying?  I'm Flawless!

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