Saturday, January 24, 2015

Just in Time

There.  It’s done.  

The wood is not sanded completely smooth, the paint is still tacky, and the front right wheel doesn't spin quite as freely as the others but it’s the best that could be done in the time allotted.  Oh, and I was told Thursday that the “car race” has been de-scoped to a “car show where the kids can just push their cars around on the table or something” because no one would loan a track to the person in charge of this event.

[Editor’s Note: The use of the term “in charge” above is not meant to imply that anyone anywhere is actually in charge.]

On the upside my kid knows a little about cutting curves with a bandsaw (from watching, of course), using a belt sander (again, from watching), the importance of drilling pilot holes (he did the drilling), and he doesn’t have to show up to the whatever-the-heck-is-going-on tonight empty-handed.

Also, I now own a food scale, so, you know… Score! 

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