Saturday, January 31, 2015

Sure. Kick Me When I'm Down.

I know what you are thinking.  Windy day, some letters blew off, right?  No.  Here is the conversation the wife and I had shortly after seeing it.

Me: Wait.  Did you see that?
Wife: That church sign?  Yeah, that was a weird one.  Do you think they ran out of letters or something?
Me: I don't know.  It's been raining on and off all morning.  Maybe they stopped in the middle.
Wife: Maybe.

(Time passes...)

Me: Can we go back after lunch to look at that sign again to see what it says?  It's kind of bothering me now.
Wife: Ok.  Do you think they finished it? What do you think it's going to say?
Me: I don't know.  I mean, I don't really have any good guesses.  "Lift you up", maybe?  It kind of rhymes.
Wife: Well, it should say something.  Otherwise it says that Jesus should also trip you up.
Me: Like in the song "Jesus shoved me, this I know, for the bible tells me so..."
Wife: Right.

It turned out this is the first half of a message that is continued on the back of the sign.  "Make it a part of your dance," it says.  Ok... Typical Chinese-fortune-cookie stuff you see on these signs all over the place down here.  Full of wisdom if you think about it.  Even more full of wisdom if you don't think about it at all.

Not sure how someone driving down a divided four-lane road at 45MPH is supposed to put these parts together (assuming they were approaching from the front side to begin with) but I'm sure the idea looked great in someone's head.

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