Saturday, January 7, 2017

A Spoon Under the Pillow

Well, the first snow of winter started late last night and will continue to blanket the area until this afternoon.  My guess is that we will have a foot or so on the ground by dinner. 

For whatever reason the local news isn’t going completely MEGA STORMWATCH 2017: THE DEATHENING OF HAMPTON ROADS like they usually do.  They are actually keeping things on an even keel. The histrionics is one of the joys I get from the rare snows here.  That break with tradition is kind of a bummer…  I hope they are alerted by enough people changing the channel out of boredom so they ramp up the crazy a little.

One thing I am kicking myself for is procrastinating getting rock salt this time around.  Thursday night, Lowes was out and all Target had on hand in a nod to winter weather was a four-foot-long $40 broken piece of plastic in a bin labeled “sled”.  Luckily the local grocery store was cheerfully gouging suckers… I mean “providing customers” with fifty-pound bags of “winter melt” for $10 each.  Actually a bargain compared to winters past, so I paid my stupidity tax and got four bags.  That should be enough for the season.

The bowl on the back porch is overflowing so the eight-year-old is amped for snow ice cream later today.  Me – I’ll pass on the ice cream and instead continue work on the desk clock for the wife, hang out with the family, and start shoveling the walks and the driveway once the snow starts to taper off. I'd do it now, but it's still snowing juuuust hard enough to justify holding off.  This pic was taken two hours after the one above:

Not too crazy but I'm still gonna wait.

The snow will stop by nightfall but temperatures are expected to continue to drop and stay in the teens or twenties for the rest of the weekend, pretty much guaranteeing that the local schools will be closed on Monday - no spoons required.

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