Monday, January 9, 2017

First Snow Day of 2017

I probably could have written the following sentence Thursday after it became apparent that the area was getting snow:

The eight-year-old has no school today and I am off from work.

That became official as I am writing this Sunday afternoon (I'm setting this to auto-post Monday morning).

Last night sometime (Sat. PM or Sun. AM) VDOT sent out their fleet of Zambonis to eradicate the grooves and furrows that more adventurous folks trail blazed into the ten inches of snow that fell.  Since the crews didn’t bother putting down sand, salt, or gravel the local roads are now half-mile-long stretches of ice snaking through many of the neighborhoods. So, since the neighborhoods are filled with folks that think “pickup truck” means this:

You end up with this:

On Sunday the wife and I were outside having coffee and watching over the kids building forts in the cul du sac when a white Chevy, travelling straight but wayyyy too fast for the road conditions, spun 270 degrees and got stuck in the middle of the street.  Predictably, the guy put it in reverse and gunned the engine.  After spinning the rear wheels for a few seconds he put it into drive, slowly bumped over the curb, and gracelessly arced his vehicle back onto the road.  The Pee-Wee Herman like “I meant to do that” look he had on his face as he drove off in the direction he came from was awesome. 

Don’t worry - the kids were nowhere near where that guy spun out, although we did take that opportunity to remind them to stay far away from the main road.  Also, I should mention here that he is not the one that took out the mailbox – we discovered that damage later on a trek out of the neighborhood to assess road conditions.

So Monday morning I think the boy and I will walk on over to the people with the damaged mailbox and offer to repair it for them.  But not too early in the morning.  It is a Snow Day after all.

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